Sunday, 3 August 2008

And she strikes !.. not....

Lovely sweet candies ? Hee hee the bowling balls we used..

Tuesday night bowling with the children.. my first ever run after 5 years! We missed bowling with the guys from work, as we got there late – I had to go home get my trailer… Anyway, my target was to score 50 hee hee miserable figure, I know.. but I managed a final of 87 ! Woo hoo ! BUT come Saturday…….



Uncle Kennyyyyy… we went bowling last night.. me and Abtif shared 5 throws each…

Uncle K


Ooh that’s nice ! Ok now, on with the warming up !



Uncle Kennyyyyy… Abah said we cannot go bowling because of golf !

Uncle K


Ooops… now.... you bowled with your Left hand or your Right ?



I’m right handed… so used my right hand lah !

Uncle K


You have to learn to use your left hand for this now on !



Whyyyyyyyyy ?

Uncle K


Because it’s going to affect your golf swing, that’s why ! Your Daddy says you can’t bowl, well, at least not with your right hand, ok ?



Maaaaa now we have to go practice with left hand ? Aiyooot that is sooo susah la Mama..

Uncle K


I started off with my right and averaged 195… After I took up golf I had to learn with my left, and now I average 193 with my left I’ll see you next Saturday for practice again Ok ?



Bye Uncle Kennyyyyyy… Eh, Uncle Kennyyyy smoking is bad for your health! You are not supposed to smoke !

Uncle K


OK – we’ll cut a deal.. You don’t tell my wife I’m smoking and I don’t tell her how bad your swing was today, OK ?



No fair ! I don’t know who your wife is and I don’t think she cares about my swing .. heee heee

Ok so there goes my right hand bowling games. I joined the guys directly after work Friday and you wouldn’t be surprised that my games were terrible ! Not that they are great to start with anyway.

We played 3 games –

27 (with 3 consecutive ‘0’ points to start with),

31 (with 4 consecutive ‘0’s)

and closed the night with 17 (5 consecutive ‘0’s!).

I took the children bowling again to try with our lefts and this time.. ha ha ha you should have seen the miserable faces ! The Girl was the most forlorn. She was soooo fed-up with the ball going down the drain not 2 feet from the line that she just dumped the ball then on. I did better this time round, although it was only the one game, scoring 56. Too bad I didn’t get a picture in time. We were having trouble with the lane all through out the game that when we ended and the guys next to us had the the same problem, the workers there went and reset our records instead!

Ouch my left arm is aching and my left thumb is now bruised...

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