Monday, 28 April 2008

Another favourite pastime..

Online shopping !  JCPenney is now in Malaysia! Online, of course.  The prices are great, but here's the killer.. the freight charges. They apparently ship the items out from the Asian Warehouse.. in the US !  Humppfff ! the freight can actually cost more than the items.  Why can't they just have it ride on the Singapore-bound shipment ? Or just divert stuff from JCP in Singapore ? It's so much less hassle and transport.

I'm complaining so much cos I've got my eye on their Extra-Deep King Size Luxurious Sheets..  I have sooo much trouble getting decent fitted sheets for my bed here from KL. and I am never too keen to carry extra weight home whenever we go abroad.  I'll have a think-through. If I really want them now, then maybe yes, I'll just have to bear the cost then.

Ok.. if you feel like browsing, it's


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