Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Goodbye my sweet

I remember this time last year

I barely noticed the flowers

Except for those by her bed

I barely remembered eating

Except when someone brought us food

I barely realised others

Except those who came to visit

I barely went home

Except to shower and change

I barely lost my temper

Except when they decided

To treat her as if she had already gone

She will go, yes she will

On her own time, at her own pace

As what she had agreed to

Until that time

She is mindful and aware

of everyone and everything

Her wishes, she made clear, we carried out

Her wants, she made obvious, we fulfilled

Her fears, she expressed, we understood

Her needs, we knew, we anticipated

The considerate planner as always

To be home where the heart is

To be ready for the Almighty

To be prepared for the last journey

At a time convenient

Goodbye my sweet

I miss you


Arrived June 7 1948

Departed 12 May 2007

Monday, 28 April 2008

Another favourite pastime..

Online shopping !  JCPenney is now in Malaysia! Online, of course.  The prices are great, but here's the killer.. the freight charges. They apparently ship the items out from the Asian Warehouse.. in the US !  Humppfff ! the freight can actually cost more than the items.  Why can't they just have it ride on the Singapore-bound shipment ? Or just divert stuff from JCP in Singapore ? It's so much less hassle and transport.

I'm complaining so much cos I've got my eye on their Extra-Deep King Size Luxurious Sheets..  I have sooo much trouble getting decent fitted sheets for my bed here from KL. and I am never too keen to carry extra weight home whenever we go abroad.  I'll have a think-through. If I really want them now, then maybe yes, I'll just have to bear the cost then.

Ok.. if you feel like browsing, it's www.JCPenney.com.my


Oh well, I might as well!

Sleep is eluding me again.. or is it because I'm so highly strung ! Well, whichever it is, I decide I might as well write a bit then.

Saturday was sooooo hectic.. morning was a recital in Shah Alam - Kakak was in My Fair Lady, lah-dee-dah-ing in the Ascot scene.. wonderful ! I always loved playing dress-up - white frilly blouse, skirt with huge ribbons.. large hat with bows and feathers, elbow gloves... sigh... supposed to end at 1:30pm but it overshot to 2:15 instead.

Rushed home, with barely enough time to get ready for the next event - in Cheras ! Baby was to participate in the gymnastics demonstration (Mummy is too tired to send you, darling.. it's the other side of the world ! But Mummeeeee, if I don't go, who will replace me... and I've been practicing very hard..!) So of we go, and to reach there before 3:00pm, which we obviously didn't. 3:30pm it was, and loafing in the South Hall until this pretty little something (girl? fairy? waif? That's Emily, she's a gymnast, in form 4, Mummy... WHAT?! She's... she's... Mum! If I'm supposed to be tiny, what's she ? Errr... miniscule, Kakak ?) came by to get something and told us that the rest were already waiting at the red gazebo.
Off raced Baby to the red gazebo to join the others. Mum ? Oh no, Kakak, we're staying right here. No way am I going out into the 40c sun ! My little Professor agreed.. and recommended we sit comfortably in the canteen.. yum yum! Forgot we didn't have time to grab any lunch.

My Pilot was out in the field, rounding up his old chums, and a hit with the girls, as usual. Every time I looked, there he was chatting with a junior girl. Hmmmm... Anyway, he was giving me regular reports from the war zone, via sms, to keep me updated on the goings-on. When it was Baby's gymnastics session, the 3 of us watched from afar, in the comfortable shade. The Pilot was in the field, but wouldn't have been good with a camera either, cos he couldn't see over the heads of the others there !

And Mum decreed that we were to leave immediately after Baby's done. And the Pilot speaks - Oh Mum, after this, please.. I want to watch my cheerleaders.. wow.. HIS cheerleaders :) ha ha.. well the boys' house did win the cheerleading competition this year, after all.

Rush rush now.. to MVMM.. and managed to get seats for Forbidden Kingdom at 8pm! Pilot - Mum, are you that desperate to watch this? You agreed to take seats, third row from the screen !! Happily enough! And I wish I could go watch this again, this would win hands down against that Crouching Tiger nonsense, any time.
Tired day, satisfying night, and no one went to Taekwando on Sunday morning :) Oh well, they deserve a rest after the grueling hot day before.

Lunch was a lazy affair - Rice, cubed mutton curry, salisbury steaks (actually fancy-named burgers ha ha ha) and some soya-based Thai-styled fried dumplings which tasted great. No veggies - I ran out and forgot to buy a bit. We only have petai, which I don't think would have fitted the menu..

Then the Ustad came by after the heavy downpour. Dinner was supposed to be at Subway, but I got vetoed out so we ended up at Pizza Hut in SP. Had a lovely time at MPH afterwards.. RM230 on books alone - which would be tax-rebate-able anyway so no problems there. They had to chase us to make our payment quickly as they had to close! So home we went then with a bag-full of books! I got my follow-up Sudoku book, I'd finished the earlier one.

Made the boys finish their homework tonight itself. They still don't know that Monday is declared an occasional school holiday for them. They'll just enjoy a good lie-in tomorrow then when Mum doesn't wake them up as usual..
Oh did I mention that I got me new plants ? Love them.. the hanging draping kind... I hope they they won't commit mass suicide like the last batch I had!

Thursday, 24 April 2008

No, it's true!

No, don't worry.. your eyes are not playing tricks on you and neither have I used invisible font ! The following blank posts are on my list of 'to-be-updated items', which I hope to update very soon. So until then, just jump over them to the next completed one!

Wheels !

I finally got pics of my new car! Silver present from my hubby. It’s a lovely C200, 1998 edition. Low kilometer-age (less than 100k) Have a look-see. It's all nice and especially shiny - our Pilot told me he'd given it a bath the day before.. although he omitted to tell me he'd hit the wall when he moved the car back up under the porch..

front view

back view

Thank you so much, Sayang, I love you as always, forever..

The Tan Sri's cheeky Puan Sri at work..

Colours - aren't they wonderful ?

These boots are made for walking

Have bag will travel..

Blame it on my Mother !

hopefully the first !

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

One crazy Geminian at play

I have so many things I'd really love to talk about (note the absence of the word 'share' - this is afterall, one-sided!  I talk, you listen..). But I don't seem to be able to find the time to do it here.  Between work, running around my 4 juniors - one is no longer a valid junior in the house as he is old enough to go away to Uni, oooh Mummy forgets, he will be a junior again then ha ha! and generally maintaining the car(s), the kitten and the house.  Note also that the house is the last in the order of things !  So, when is there ever anytime ?

I can already hear someone "Oh you will, once you get addicted to blogging"  Hummmph... I actually started blogging (writing my 'memoirs', more like it was then called) about 10 years ago. Yup. I did. But I dont remember why I stopped, when I stopped, and where it was that I blogged !  The pages got eaten by a bigger co., and I lost track after the home PC got stolen. Oh well, so here I go again, and with a good friend to urge me on (more like drag me onwards haha) hopefully this time I will be a bit more consistent.

Now where was I?  Oh the list !  I DO have a list of things I want to write about.. and hopefully I will do them soon. So this is my plan... I am going to put the Titles down first, and hopefully.. hopefully I will spur myself to write quickly, so as not to be labeled 'blankie' ..

Until then... my list.. my list !!

Two crazy Geminians

"Oit.. penat la tengok gambar kucing kau tu"
"Abis nak wat camner ? Aku balik dah letih aaa, mana ada time nak update blog.."
"Hah, baca blog aku latest haa, aku ada mention pasal keter ... and kau"
"Alamak.. aku dapat air time lagi dalam blog kau ? Ok Ok.. I'll update my blog as soon as possible.."
"Dah baca lom ?"
"Oi !  Kau citer pasal keter aku gak !  Aku ingat kau citer pasal keter baru kau tu ?  Aku pun lom blog pasal keter aku tu tau !"
"Nasib la, kau lambaatttt ! Ha ha ha..."

Thanks Niko.. you helped get my story out for me :D   If I had to wait for me, errrrrr... I would be probably too old to even read it to myself :P

May 2019, let's go!