Tuesday, 29 January 2013

For Thee

Where are the words?
Much I want to say
But with heaviness of heart
I can only pray
My love and hope for you
My thoughts, my tears
Only to Allah
I pour my fears
My request to Him
That He grants us His mercy
And all His good blessings
And to make it easy
For a journey with good health
In a fruitful life
Filled with charity and good deeds
In His way we strive
May He be pleased
With what we offer
May He grant us Jannah
In the hereafter

Emma Abdul Manaf • Kelana Jaya • Tuesday 29 January 2013 • 2230hrs

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Many But None

I have words, many
But I am at a loss to say it right

I know what I want to say
But I fear it may come out wrong
I know what I need to say
But I fear it may sound too strong

To say that things will be alright
I don't really know for we haven't the sight
To offer the comfort of tomorrow
I can't guarantee we won't see sorrow

For once, I am subdued
My thoughts, confused
My speech, reduced
And I can only offer a slow smile

The hurt of today
I can't help but pray
That things will work out best, our way
And all I can say is it will take a while

Until the time when the words come out right
Until the time the pain subsides
We will continue to venture and explore
And through it all we will endure

We have to choose for how we tread
We are what we are from whence we were
From that distant past that we had shared
And through the all that brought us here

Emma Abdul Manaf • Kelana Jaya • 0920hrs Wednesday 16 January 2013

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

In Retrospect

And you wonder and wonder and wonder..
How much of it is true?
How much of it is really sincere?
Do they really care about you?

And I wonder and wonder and wonder..
And I wonder about you.

Emma Abdul Manaf • 1200hrs 08 January 2013. • Kelana Jaya

May 2019, let's go!